Code of Conduct

admission > Code of Conduct


To maintain a high standard of discipline, the school authorities ensure to implement the following code of conduct for the students of Pakistan Schools

1. The students should reach school by 07:30 a.m

2. At 08:00 a.m. school gates shall be closed and no student will be allowed to enter the school without Principal’s permission.

3. A fine of Bz. 100 shall be imposed on the latecomers.

4. Late coming for three consecutive days, makes a student liable to suspension and fine.

5. Students are required to be properly dressed up.

6. If a student is found wearing untidy/ improper uniform he/she may be fined / suspended from the school.

7. Boys must have proper haircut / nail cut otherwise they would be fined/ suspended

8. Cigarettes, jewellery, wearing makeup, drugs or other toxics, any sort of electronic gadgets, cameras, mobile phones, are strictly prohibited inside the school premises. In case of violation strict disciplinary action will be taken as per School Discipline Policy/ Law of the Land.

9. Students should not damage the school property otherwise they will have to compensate the cost of the damage besides disciplinary action.

10. Eating in classes is not allowed.

11. Bunking Classes: Students have to take a written permission from school authorities in case of leaving school before the pack up time. In case of bunking, students may be fined/ suspended / expelled from the school.

12. Misbehavior: Students are expected to display exemplary behavior in / outside the campus and with peers and teachers. In case of violation strict disciplinary action will be taken which may result into expulsion.

13. Zuhar Prayers: It is compulsory for Muslim students to offer Zuhr prayers in the school masjid or any other specified area.

14. Students should collect bags from their classes after Zuhar prayers.

15. Girl students shall stay inside the school premises after pack-up time till the arrival of their vehicles.

16. Girls shall cover their heads with scarves.

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